Saturday, 19 January 2013

Chapter 1: My Radio Crush Writes a Book.

Before I was married, I would lie in bed at night and listen to the smooth voice of Jian Ghomeshi before blissfully drifting off to sleep.  It wasn’t just the sound of his voice that I loved, but his probing questions and personal take on current events and cultural events often coincided with my own thoughts.  Nowadays, since I share my bed, I don’t regularly listen to his show “Q” on CBC radio, but when I do get the chance, I relish every minute. 

I wouldn’t call myself a Jian-groupie.  If I was, I might have actually been aware when his book came out.   But I only discovered this book while browsing things to do in my hometown and came across Ghomeshi’s book tour.  Wait a second, He wrote a book?!  And then I quickly switched to and found the book entitled 1982.  1982!  That’s the year of my birth!!! Oh my goodness, our connection was meant to be.  I bought two tickets to his show, quickly followed by a trip to the local bookstore to pick up his book.

I immediately loved the style of 1982, most likely because it reads as Jian sounds.  But there are some things to like and some things to dislike.  So to honour a theme of Jian’s book, I will now move to the use of lists to classify my likes and dislikes.

Things I liked about Jian’s book
·                                          I can hear Jian’s voice in the words
·                                         Reliving numerous events I easily related to such as making mix tapes off the
                      radio, actually going to a store to buy music, and the stress of making phone
                      calls since you will inevitably have to talk to your friend’s parent/sibling.

Things I did not like about Jian’s book
·                                      The excessive use of random lists which were just reiterated thoughts already 
                     explained in the text
·                                      The number of pages dedicated to Jian’s red-blue Adidas bag (is it really that 
                     special or is he trying to fill pages)
·                                       I knew almost NONE of the bands Jian talked about . . .I guess I’m just too young.
·                                      The lack of point to the entire book.

Don’t get me wrong: I still love Jian Ghomeshi.  And his show was amazing.  And I got my book signed.

But as far as learning anything about Jian that would be useful to understanding him today? Nothing, nadda.  Perhaps a tale relying his journey to Q would have been more up my alley.  Or perhaps I am too young to appreciate Jian’s musical influences.  Whatever the reason, I’ll stick to listening to Jian on the radio. 

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Epilogue: A Year in Review.

I guess I haven’t officially been blogging for a year, but it has been a year since I started reading the first book I wrote a blog about.  So for that reason (and also it seems like the appropriate time), this is my inaugural year in review blog. 

First of all: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! 

This year, my husband and I decided to make a Christmas tree out of my book collection.  I just love how it turned out!

To review, I never read as much as I want.  I suppose that’s the curse of choosing an occupation that takes up most of my brainy energy.  And when I do reach that inevitable novel conclusion, I also lack sufficient time to write a meaningful blog entry.  No worries, friends, I will push ahead into year two. 

2012 Reads Include:

Emperor of All Maladies by Siddharta Mukhejee
Hurricane: The Miraculous Journey of Rubin Carter by James Hirsch
Tinkers by Paul Harding
The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

The final book on that list is by far my favourite read of 2012. 

Like I said, I never read as much as I want.  I’ve been browsing some other book bloggers and realize that my reading speed is nowhere near those serious readers.  How they find the time to succeed at their 200books/year challenge is beyond me.

I have, however, gained some other useful ideas to improve this little endeavor of mine.  These include:
            1. Making lists of my favourite books
            2. Incorporating Quote Days
            3. Including the total number of pages I read (maybe this will make me feel better
            about the lack of total books I finish in one year).
            4. Including a to-read list so you’ll know what I’m thinking of reading.

So here’s to year two of Novel Meanderings of an Academic!